More Than Just Your Oral Health
Everyone knows that to maintain optimal oral health, you’ve got to keep your teeth and your gums healthy.
But did you realize that the health of your mouth can affect your overall wellness? Studies have shown a link between periodontal disease and an increased risk of:
- Stroke
- Heart Attack
- Some cancers including pancreatic
- cancer
- Complications in diabetes
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Pre-term births
- Low birth-weight babies
…And more
It’s more important than ever to take care of your teeth and gums so we provide a thorough hygiene exam and cleaning at every check-up. We want to be sure you have no bleeding at all associated with your gums. See our Mouth Body Connection page for more info..
With our advanced hygiene procedures, we can gently detect periodontal disease. We measure the gum tissue around each tooth to assess any periodontal deterioration in the form of “pockets” around your tooth roots. Digital x-rays may also be taken to reveal any bone loss around your teeth. If pockets or bone loss caused by bacteria are found, we will recommend a course of periodontal therapy.
We will also be able to provide patients with Oral DNA tests to better assist with determining their perio status and even possibly why they are having problems periodontally.
Periodontal Therapy
Dental Design Studio offers modern periodontal therapy that is as comfortable as it is effective.
Soft Tissue Diode Laser – Using this laser, we will gently remove any diseased gum tissue and pockets of bacteria, helping the gum heal and reattach to the tooth.
Ultrasonic Scalers – We use both the Cavitron scalers and hand scaling techniques for advanced hygiene treatment. The cavitron ultrasonic scaler uses high frequency ultrasonic waves to clean teeth and provide gentle periodontal care – removing tartar above and below the gum line. They are so gentle that they can even be used to administer non surgical periodontal therapy, many times without the need for anesthetic. These tools are safe, effective and painless alternatives to traditional cleaning methods.
Arestin – Is a topical antibiotic developed specifically for the treatment of gum bacteria. Arestin will be placed under your gum tissue to help fight off bacteria and promote healing for weeks after your visit. By placing it under your gums, you are not exposing your whole immune system to the antibiotic.